Dear colleagues,

The health psychology team is hosting a seminar by Prof Diane Crone on the 17th April, 11:45 (hybrid/Health lab 3A117).

Thought this might be of interest to some of you.

Please join us!

17th April, 11:45-12:45

Teams link: Click here to join the meeting

System-based approaches to physical activity – learning from applied research and active doing.

Professor Diane Crone

Diane is a Professor in Exercise and Health at the Cardiff Metropolitan University, Director of the Centre for Health, Activity and Wellbeing Research (CAWR), and the lead for the University’s Health and Human Performance Global Academy. Her expertise lies in the design, delivery and evaluation of health promoting interventions in primary and secondary health care, and in the community. She has interests in a number of areas, including the role of the outdoors for physical activity and mental wellbeing, arts and health and systems based approaches to physical activity promotion. She has published internationally on physical activity and mental health, exercise interventions, and social prescribing including arts on prescription, and nature-based wellbeing programmes. She has worked and led extensively on numerous EU and UK wide projects over the past 20 years. She is a member of the British Association for Sport and Exercise Sciences and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health. She represents her University as the institutional lead in the WHO Health Enhancing Physical Activity EU Network (HEPA EU) and the national Wales Institute for Physical Activity, Health and Sport (WIPAHS).  She is a Steering Group member of the Wales School of Social Prescribing Research (WSSPR) and a Non-Executive Director (University) for Public Health Wales.   


Best wishes,



Professor of Health Psychology

Deputy Dean of Faculty of Natural Sciences

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Division of Psychology

3A81 Cottrell Building

University of Stirling



Click here for student meeting bookings (contact me if slots are not suitable)

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