John Meed johnmeed at britishlibrary.net
Fri Feb 25 11:54:18 GMT 2005

Dear Mediawatchers.

I though this might be of interest - passed to me via a quaker contact.


Dear Friends,

I am writing to let you know that a four part series produced by 20/20 is to
be screened on Channel 4, starting on 28th February.   Jon Snow is the
presenter, with Andrew Gilligan, the investigative journalist and Clive
Stafford Smith fronting two of the programmes.
Conditions in some prisons in the United States will be featured in the last
two of the series.
The programme is entitled Guantanamo Guidebook and will seek to recreate
over 48 hours, some of the practices used at Guantanamo by subjecting seven
volunteers, three of whom are Muslims, to some of the milder forms of
torture - "torture lite" - allegedly used by the United States forces.
The volunteers will be asked for their views at the end of the experiment.

I have been asked by Action by Christians Against Torture to write to
Channel 4 and object to the screening of acts of torture, as they feel that
"such a "reality" programme can only be a pale shadow of the horrifying true
reality that is torture".    They feel that there is a real danger that it
will trivialise the concept of torture and the suffering of so many victims,
including those in Guantanamo.

I have decided to wait until I see the programme before I complain about it.
I think Clive will endeavour to ensure that the programme portrays things as
they really are, in so far as they can in such circumstances.

I hope you will watch these programmes and encouragel your family and
friends, as I sincerely believe that we really do need to know what happens
to people throughout the world.
In Friendship


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