[Media-watch] XXI Century - A real independent documentary film by Gabriele Zamparini & Lorenzo Meccoli

Antony Wright antony_wright at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Sep 27 00:21:46 BST 2004



Noam Chomsky, Gore Vidal, Howard Zinn, Arno Mayer, Amnesty 
International, Human Rights Watch, Scott Ritter, Susan Sarandon, 
September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, Nelson Mandela, 
Jesse Jackson, Desmond Tutu, The Nation, Ramsey Clark, Danny Glover, 
Angela Davis, Jessica Lange, Greg Palast, Ossie Davis, American Civil 
Liberties Union, Indymedia, Al Sharpton, Pete Seeger, Harry Belafonte, 
Democracy Now!, Veterans for Peace, United for Peace and Justice, FAIR, 
Pacifica Foundation, International Physicians for the Prevention of 
Nuclear War, MediaChannel, Not in Our Name, International ANSWER and 
many other voices of dissent.


There are years when nothing happens and then days that change the 
course of History. From September 2002 to May 2003 we met with 
intellectuals, journalists, university professors, writers, historians, 
political analysts, international observers, human rights organizations, 
civil rights fighters, religious leaders, peace and anti war activists, 
asking questions to understand these years in which we are living and 
try to put together the many pieces of a complicated puzzle. The picture 
that comes alive is – to paraphrase James Baldwin – "longer, larger, 
more various, more beautiful, and more terrible than anything anyone has 
ever said about it".

2000 Presidential Elections and September 11, 2001. Afghanistan, Iraq, 
terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. The first Gulf War and the UN 
sanctions against Iraq. Saddam Hussein and the inspections. The axis of 
evil, the coalition of the willing and collateral damages. News, media, 
concentrations of power and censorship. The Middle East and the old and 
new colonialism. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, civil liberties 
and human rights. United Nations, International Criminal Court and the 
Old Europe. War, peace and patriotism. The anti war movement, oil, blood 
and the voices of dissent. Is it possible to find interconnecting links?

To read more or order the DVD set - 

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