[Media-watch] Helen Thomas faults US media - Alexandria Gazette Packet, VA - 23/09/2004

Julie-ann Davies jadavies2004 at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Sep 24 13:07:15 BST 2004


Helen Thomas Faults Media
Women's conference gets dire election warning.
By Chuck Hagee
September 23, 2004

 President Bush and his policies, particularly the war
in Iraq, took a direct broadside hit last Saturday
morning by the "Dean of the White House Press Corps"
at the 13th Annual Women's Issues Conference. And, the
woman delivering it received a standing ovation from
an overflow audience.
Helen Thomas, award-winning journalist, author and for
57 years a United Press International correspondent
who has covered presidents from John F. Kennedy to
George W. Bush, warned the audience packing the
auditorium of Minnie Howard School, West Braddock
Road, "If George Bush is reelected we will have war
without end. He has lighted a match that will take us
through this century."
Serving as the keynote speaker of the conference
hosted by U.S. Rep. James P. Moran (D-8), Thomas said,
"We never should have invaded Iraq. It will be a long
time before we get our honor back."
Thomas currently writes two columns a week for Hearst
Corporation on issues concerning the White House and
other national affairs. It was Thomas who initiated,
during Kennedy's tenure, the now trademark comment,
"Thank you, Mr. President," marking the conclusion of
a White House Press Conference. In January 1972, she
was the only print journalist traveling with President
Richard Nixon during his landmark trip to China.
"Helen Thomas is an icon, especially for women in this
country," Moran said in his introduction. "She has
been a role model for women for more than 57 years.
And, we need to find more role models like her."
Thomas recalled that when she started her career there
were few women journalists. "When we [the U.S.]
entered World War II and the government began drafting
men, we got the break to get their jobs," she said.
But, her criticism was not limited to President Bush,
it was equally hard on today's media, both print and
electronic. "We in the press are the only forum able
to question a president on a regular basis and hold
him accountable. But, the press is equally vulnerable
because they have rolled over and played dead."

SHE BLAMED THIS on several factors, the practice of
"imbedding" the press with troops during the Iraq
invasion, the fact that "many television commentators
have no actual reporting experience," and the
consolidation of the press, making the profit motive
more important than serving as the people's watchdog.
This, according to Thomas, has enabled the Bush
Administration to manage the news.
"Lyndon Johnson once said, after he left office, ‘I
lost the people's confidence because Vietnam came into
their living rooms every night.’ This [Bush's]
administration has not allowed that to happen. There
are no pictures of bloody Iraq babies like there were
from the recent Russian tragedy. This war has become
so sterile," Thomas said.
"Bush has not held a real press conference since June
10. And then his aides hand picked the questioners.
His campaign appearances are totally controlled where
no difference of opinion is allowed. He is supposed to
be the president of all the people. He is run by a
bunch of advisors with their own conservative agenda,"
Thomas said.
In addition to her critique on the Iraq War, she also
went after this administration's domestic agenda.
"There are no great social programs being put forth
like LBJ's Great Society which brought forth Medicare
and the civil rights legislation. Dick Cheney voted
against Head Start six times when he was in Congress,"
she said.
In answer to a question on The Patriot Act, Thomas
said, "This administration is playing the fear card to
the hilt. We never needed a Patriot Act during World
War II. The Patriot Act is an affront to our civil
rights. What have we become?"
She quoted the late Adlai Stevenson, former
presidential candidate and ambassador to the United
Nations, stating, "Democracy is great because it's
safe to be in the minority." To which she added, "If
we are a free people let's act like it."
Rhetorically she asked the audience, "Did you ever
think we would be an aggressor nation? Bush has made
us the most despised nation in the world. This
election coming up is one of the most important in our
history. It's not about one party or the other. It's
about our country.
"If Bush is reelected the draft will be reinstated,
Social Security will be nearly eliminated, and
there'll be more tax cuts for the rich. Under Bush, we
are no longer our brother's keeper. But, where is the
national outrage?"
Thomas said, "This President has torn up practically
every treaty signed since World War II. Presidents
have to be watched for an arrogance of power.
Obviously, George Bush doesn't send me flowers
Going back to the responsibility of the press, Thomas
said, "Our [the press] holy grail is to follow the
truth. The press has not played its proper role in
this Iraq War. I want to support the troops by getting
them out." This brought forth one of several outbursts
of applause.

THOMAS CONCEDED that no president really likes the
press. "Gerald Ford once said, ‘God may have created
the world in six days but on the seventh he would not
have been able to rest. He would have had to explain
it to Helen Thomas’," she said.
Following her speech, and a sustained standing ovation
by the audience, Alexandria Vice Mayor Redella "Del"
Pepper said, "I wish she would join the campaign
trail. That would help turn things around quickly.
"I greatly admire her. She was able to get to the top
of her profession when women were not wanted there. I
particularly liked her comments about our need to
restore our image in the world and the press not
playing its proper role in Iraq."
Alexandria Councilman Ludwig P. Gaines said, "That was
probably the most enlightening and poignant speech
I've heard in a long, long time. We are so fortunate
to have been able to have had her here. Today's
weather might have made it somewhat gloomy outside,
but it sure was electrifying inside."  ... (General
information about event cut; available at URL.)

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