[Graduate-research-list] Symposium

Kathryn Cook k.e.cook at stir.ac.uk
Wed Feb 6 08:59:21 GMT 2008

Dear all,


I am writing to inform you of the upcoming interdisciplinary
postgraduate symposium in Postcolonial Studies which is hosted by the
Centre for Commonwealth Studies at the University of Stirling on
Saturday 26th April, 2008. This symposium aims to foster discussion and
understanding of new research in postcolonial studies undertaken by
postgraduate students at Scottish universities. We intend for the
meeting to stimulate productive new networks amongst students and staff
members in postcolonial studies nationwide, in order to plan future
training and research events that encourage interdisciplinary study
within the field. We are looking for submissions from fellow
postgraduate students and support contributions from as wide a scope of
research areas and disciplines as possible. Please find attached a copy
of the call for papers. We would appreciate if you could help us
advertise this event by forwarding on the CFP to postgraduates in
Scotland who have research interests in postcolonial studies and would
be delighted if you would like to attend and participate in the event.


Looking forward to your involvement in April,


Best Wishes,

Brian Rock



pcsymposium at stir.ac.uk <mailto:pcsymposium at stir.ac.uk> 


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