[Graduate-research-list] Places on Glasgow Grad School Aug 26-29

Katharine Reibig k.m.reibig at stir.ac.uk
Wed Aug 13 15:11:05 BST 2008

Dear All,

Please find below information on the forthcoming Glasgow Grad School. This is a non-residential 4-day course. SGRS will be able to fund a small number of places on this course, but you (or your department)will need to fund your own travel to and from the event each day. Please see the weblink below for further details. Any non-RC funded student who wishes to attend must also inform me if they are seeking funding for this event.
Best wishes,
Katharine Reibig

The Graduate Centre at Glasgow Caledonian University, in partnership with Vitae, is running the 2nd Glasgow Local GRAD School.  This is a 4 day non-residential course aimed at PhD students in their final and penultimate years.
The cost of the course is £400 to non-RCUK funded research students, but is free to Research Council funded students (who have not already attended a Grad School event).  

The Glasgow Local GRADschool is an experiential learning course, aiming to raise participants' awareness of their personal and professional transferable skills: the majority of skills addressed will be from those outlined in the Joint Skills Statement of the UK Research Councils, (i.e. personal effectiveness, communication skills, networking and team working and career management). The Glasgow Local GRADschool has been designed for doctoral researchers and will use small facilitated groups to enable individuals to review their experiences at intervals as the GRADschool progresses.

For further information and to complete a booking form follow the link below:

Katharine M. Reibig
Graduate Development Officer
Research & Enterprise Office
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA
Tel: 01786 46 6698
hours of work: Tues, Wed & Thu only

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