[Graduate-research-list] SGRS conference - last chance to sign up!

Katharine Reibig k.m.reibig at stir.ac.uk
Tue Apr 11 09:34:42 BST 2006

Dear All,

This is just a reminder that the closing date for reciept of your
registration forms to present a poster or a talk at this year's SGRS
Conference (May 3rd) is April 17th (next Monday).

Please ensure that your forms are with me by 5pm on April 17th (these
can be sent electronically).

I will, in the meantime, accept registrations by email - you can simply
respond to this email and tell me if you want to present a poster or a
talk, and what the title of that will be.  This would be helpful, as it
will enable me to start planning the order of talks etc.  You will then
need to send in the completed registration form aswell.  

The conference is open to all postgraduate research students, full-time
and part-time, and from all years of study.

The registration form and further details on the conference are
available on the WEBCT page, and also at

Best wishes,

Katharine M. Reibig
Graduate School Development Officer
Research Office
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA

Tel: 01786 46 6698

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