[Graduate-research-list] Summer events 2 - UK GRAD SCHOOL

Natalie Bradshaw natalie.bradshaw at stir.ac.uk
Thu May 1 16:45:35 BST 2003

Dear All,

Dr Jon Turner from the UK GRAD programme will be visiting the University
this year to promote the UK GRAD Schools as detailed below. As the end of
semester is approaching, I'd be grateful if you could reply and let me know
if you would be able to attend this event over the summer break at the
University (Yes), or if you would prefer that it went ahead next semester

GRAD Courses
GRAD courses are designed for postgraduate research students to assess their
personal skills, develop team building skills and career management skills.
Increasingly the development of generic or transferable skills is seen as an
important element in a PhD.
The pressures to complete your PhD are such that it is very difficult to
stand back and assess where you are and what you want to do next. GRAD
courses offer you the chance to do just that. They are courses that allow
you to identify ways to develop yourself, see the relevance of your skills
in different environments and more able to promote yourself and your
Attending a course can help you:
*	complete your PhD successfully 
*	make a successful transition to your next position 
The UK GRAD Programme is involved in designing and delivering courses in
many forms.
There are different courses to suit you. You can attend a national or a
local course. They come in different lengths too: one to five days. All GRAD
courses are designed for you to learn through team-based tasks. Many of
these tasks are case studies based on real events in different career
sectors. Others are skills development activities, sometimes focussing on
something specific like career management, sometimes outdoors, helping you
identify your personal contribution to the team. You can use choosing a
course to look for the mix to suit you.
National GRADschools , which are 3 to 5 day residential workshops open to
all 2nd and 3rd year PhDs. Some students are entitled to funded places on
these courses. 
*	No other courses offers the same breadth of experience in such a
short time 
*	GRADschools provide the optimum environment for taking time out to
plan your future 
*	They are designed to suit all subject disciplines and any amount of
prior experience 
*	It could be the most enjoyable few days of your PhD 
Local GRAD courses normally run by or with a local university tend to be
shorter (1 - 3 days) and often non-residential. They are open to all local
students and some have places for students from other institutions.

Best wishes,


Natalie Bradshaw
Research Services Officer

Planning & Research Office, University of Stirling, FK9 4LA
01786 466691
natalie.bradshaw at stir.ac.uk

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