[Face-research-list] Post-Doc at the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, Carnegie Mellon

Michael J. Tarr michaeltarr at cmu.edu
Thu Apr 7 22:07:50 BST 2011

Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition / Psychology
Carnegie Mellon University
Postdoctoral Position: Encoding of Objects and Faces in Human IT
Supervisor: Michael Tarr

Soliciting applications - to be considered on a rolling basis - for a 
postdoctoral researcher working with Michael Tarr at Carnegie Mellon in 
beautiful Pittsburgh PA, USA. The goal of this project is to collaborate 
with lab members on studies using non-invasive neuroimaging (fMRI, DSI, 
MEG) to explore how objects and faces are encoded within the human 
ventral pathway. A successful candidate should have experience in the 
design and analysis of neuroimaging experiments  - particularly fMRI - 
as well as some experience using computational tools for both data 
analysis (e.g., linear classifiers) and modeling/simulation.

More on Carnegie Mellon and the CNBC.

We have particular interests in face, object, scene, and event 
recognition and the role of experience in shaping our perceptual 
systems. Methodologies we use include neuroimaging (ERPs, MEG, fMRI, and 
DSI/HDFT), the study of atypical populations (neuropsychological case 
studies, autism, and dyslexia), neurophysiology, eyetracking, behavioral 
psychophysics combined with advanced stimulus generation and 
manipulation, computational modeling, and machine learning for data 
understanding, all applied across the lifespan (infancy through older 
adulthood). Core faculty span the departments of Psychology, Statistics, 
Biological Sciences, Machine Learning, and Robotics, as well as the 
Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition. Our facilities include a new 
campus-based 3T Siemens Verio MRI scanner, a MEG facility, and a new 
high-performance computing cluster for modeling, simulation, and data 

More on Pittsburgh.

The academic community in Pittsburgh is uniquely interdisciplinary and 
collaborative. Through the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition and 
our physical proximity to Pitt, we have strong ties to the University of 
Pittsburgh Center for Neuroscience, Psychology, and medical school. 
Within CMU trainees often work across units, pursuing multidisciplinary 
research. The city of Pittsburgh is also a highly supportive and vibrant 
community. Over the past two decades, Pittsburgh, one of the greenest 
cities in America, has reinvented itself as an educational and medical 
hub, but has retained much of the infrastructure from its industrial 
past, including a wide variety of museums, a world-class symphony, 
professional sports teams, and an extensive urban park system. With 
Pittsburgh's renaissance the city has grown to include an eclectic 
restaurant scene and a variety of funky neighborhoods. CMU's strength in 
the fine arts has also fostered an active arts scene, including many 
theaters, film festivals, music venues, and galleries. Reflecting this, 
in May of 2010 Pittsburgh was on ranked as the most livable city in 
America by Forbes magazine.

The position is for one year, and renewable for one additional year 
based on first year evaluation. Salary will be based on  NIH 
postdoctoral scales. Applicants should send a cover letter (with 
potential starting date), a CV, a research statement, and the names of 
at least three references to info at tarrlab.org <mailto:info at tarrlab.org>

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