[BERG] Fw: Beyond "training" - helping reactive dogs

Hannah Buchanan-Smith h.m.buchanan-smith at stir.ac.uk
Sat May 27 23:41:56 BST 2023

May be of interest to some....and it's free but your need to register. All links below.

From: Karolina Westlund <karolina at illis.se>
Sent: 25 May 2023 12:41
To: Hannah Buchanan-Smith <h.m.buchanan-smith at stir.ac.uk>
Subject: Beyond "training" - helping reactive dogs

CAUTION: This email originated from outside University of Stirling. Do not follow links or open attachments if you doubt the authenticity of the sender or the content.

Hi there Hannah,

It's with great excitement that I announce an upcoming free online summit, all on the topic of helping reactive dogs.

Now, you might not even have a dog, let alone a reactive one, but hear me out before you stop reading... 😍

Although the topic of this summit is dog reactivity, what the more than 20 invited experts (and yes, yours truly being one of them) will discuss are things like:

  *   how to build a good relationship with the animal in your care
  *   how we can prevent or reduce unwanted behaviour by addressing emotional needs

So, this summit isn't so much about how we can use *training* to prevent or reduce reactivity, but rather the foundational work that helps the animal learn resilience and how to cope living with us humans.

This is an area that I've been increasingly intrigued by in the last few years, and I'm really eager to hear what the other presenters have to share on this topic. I'm familiar with about half of them and can vouch for them: they're exceedingly good at what they're doing, and they truly care about animals and their people - so I'm excited to learn from the unfamiliar names, too!

The summit will take place from June 5-9th. It's free of charge, but you need to sign up to get access! :-)

Hoping to *see* you there! Find out more and sign up here. <https://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=LsBcc&m=3Yu_mJ5Z7xgus5Q&b=aR6tY2uPNWIwrI12ZsSD1g>

Until next time, take care,


Karolina Westlund, phD

ILLIS Animal Behaviour Courses
̴ helping animals thrive with people ̴


Hässelby 16565

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