[BERG] BERG - Wednesday 16th October: Discussion of HAI in Zoos/Safari parks

Hannah Buchanan-Smith h.m.buchanan-smith at stir.ac.uk
Mon Oct 14 11:27:34 BST 2019

Dear BERGers

We had tentatively scheduled a Stirling Human Animal Research Centre (SHAIR) speaker this week, but have not been successful in persuading someone to come.

Fear not, instead, we shall have an informal discussion, over the usual drinks and nibbles, about the recent trips that we have made to the Blair Drummond Safari park (final year students and HAI Masters students). Everyone is welcome for a catch up as we've not had BERG for the last two weeks.

The questions we shall consider are:

1.      What makes good interpretation in a zoo/safari park setting? (interpretation is signage, displays with information, talks etc)
2.      What was the best interpretation you saw and why?
3.      What recommendations would you make for interpretation?

4.      What makes a good "keeper talk" ?
a.      what should you include (main messages)
b.      how do you keep the visitors interested (range of ages, educational backgrounds)

5.      What display type leads to the "best" human animal interactions - and how do you define "best" and why (examples of display types include: drive through, petting, walk through, boat by, bird of prey or standard enclosure, or even keeper for a day experiences?). What are the key features that make it best?

4.      6. What sort of direct human animal interactions go on at the Safari Park and how do you feel about them?
a.      For keepers?
b.      For visitors?

 You might want to consider these questions in a wider context of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) - see the doc below especially pages 29-36.


ALL welcome to come along!

Very best, Hannah

PS The most up to date schedule is available on Box for details of talks and for information on dates where BERG is not running (here: https://stir.box.com/s/skboejxqbtg8b52aiadnzi07tv0nrsog).
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Hannah M. Buchanan-Smith
Professor, Behaviour and Evolution Research Group<https://www.stir.ac.uk/about/faculties-and-services/natural-sciences/our-research/research-groups/behaviour-and-evolution-research-group/>
Stirling Human Animal Interaction Research (SHAIR<https://www.stir.ac.uk/about/faculties-and-services/natural-sciences/our-research/research-groups/behaviour-and-evolution-research-group/stirling-human-animal-interaction-research/>) Group

Room 3A79, Cottrell
Psychology, Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA
Tel: 01786 467674
Fax: 01786 467641
E-mail: h.m.buchanan-smith at stir.ac.uk<mailto:h.m.buchanan-smith at stir.ac.uk>
Home page: https://www.stir.ac.uk/people/257464

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