[BERG] Extra BERG meeting on Wed 10th May: Claire Watson

Christine Caldwell c.a.caldwell at stir.ac.uk
Wed Apr 12 14:47:24 BST 2017

Dear all,

As you probably know, semester is winding down now and our BERG meetings will soon be doing the same (definitely still on tonight though!).  However, in case anyone wanted to put it in their calendars I thought I would let you know that we will be holding an extra meeting on Wednesday 10th May.  We will have Dr Claire Watson visiting us from the University of Kyoto, where she has been doing postdoctoral work since finishing her PhD here in Stirling.  Claire is planning to talk to us about various research projects - old and new - that she has been working on, mostly on the topic of social learning in nonhuman primates.

You can find Claire's website at: http://www.cicasp.pri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/people/claire-f-i-watson

We will send out reminders closer to the time of course.

Anyway, I hope that people will be able to make it for Claire's talk, and I hope to see lots of you tonight for Lesley's as well!


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